Terms and Conditions

Hero Kids 2024 Terms and Conditions

These Terms and conditions apply to your subscription to Hero Kids. Our Hero Kids program is available to Australian customers only and prices are in AUD.


Activity Pack” means the intellectual property and content used for this campaign and provided to you as part of your subscription.

"Advertisers" means third party operated websites.

Hero Kids” means a national Red Cross subscription program/campaign.

Hero Kids Websites / Program or Campaign Websites / Websites” means the online portals for this program/campaign at www.herokids. www.herokids.org.au, www.redcross.org.au or www.redcross.org.au/get-involved/take-action/fundraise.

"Linked Sites" means third party operated hyperlinks.

Materials / Material” means all other intellectual property and content used for this program/campaign on the Hero Kids website.

"Subscribers / You / Your" means a person who has subscribed to Hero Kids by completing the subscription form and returned it to Red Cross by post or email or who has completed the subscription form online at www.herokids.org.au, or who has provided their details to a Red Cross representative over the telephone.

Subscription” means the $25 payment made by you every month for a total of six payments equalling $150 as payment for Hero Kids Activity Packs. One payment equals one Activity Pack.

"We / Australian Red Cross / Red Cross" means Australian Red Cross Society ABN 50 169 561 394. Address: 23–47 Villiers St, North Melbourne VIC 3051, Phone: 1800 RED CROSS (733 276), Website: www.redcross.org.au. Charity Mail Number: 10100009.

Subscribing to Hero Kids:

  1. Red Cross manages this program/campaign on behalf of all state-based Red Cross offices and branches.

  2. Subscriptions can be entered into using the online form at www.herokids.org.au, or via phone 1800 RED CROSS (733 276), post Reply Paid 84694, GPO Box 4343, Melbourne VIC 3001, or by email to  contactus@redcross.org.au.

  3. Red Cross will not accept subscriptions from people residing outside of Australia.

  4. People residing outside of Australia can make online donations and/or access Red Cross materials online at www.herokids.org.au.

  5. A subscription to Hero Kids is not a tax-deductible donation as such you will not be issued with a tax-deductible certificate for your payments. You will receive a tax invoice for your payments.


  1. If Red Cross collects your personal information, Red Cross will send you information about how Red Cross collects and uses your personal information and your privacy rights. Information about your privacy is available here; this includes Red Cross’ Privacy Statement, Privacy Collection Notice and Privacy Policy.

Websites and Intellectual Property:

  1. Upon entering www.redcross.org.au and www.herokids.org.au, you have accepted and must comply with the terms and conditions, notices, disclaimers and intellectual property requirements on those website/s. Your use of and/or continued access to those website/s constitutes Your agreement to the terms and conditions.

  2. Australian Red Cross owns the intellectual property in all materials relating to Hero Kids, including our website material and our activity packs. All materials are provided to you for your (and your family’s) personal, non-commercial use. You must not publish or distribute the material for your own commercial purpose without permission from Australian Red Cross.

  3. The websites are managed by Red Cross for the purposes of this program/campaign only. Content may change but the websites will remain dedicated sites for Hero Kids only.

  4. The websites may contain embedded hyperlinks or referral buttons to websites operated by third parties or their licensees or contractors ("Advertisers"). Any claims by Advertisers are not recommendations or endorsements by us or a list of third-party advertisers endorsed by Red Cross.

  5. The websites may contain hyperlinks and other pointers to internet websites operated by third parties ("Linked Sites"). The Linked Sites are not under our control, and we are not responsible for the content of any Linked Site, or any hyperlink contained in a Linked Site.

  6. Your or your Supporters’ use of an Event website or Linked Site is subject to the Terms and Conditions of that site in addition to the Terms and Conditions on [Hero Kids website]

  7. Red Cross does not and cannot be involved in your interaction with Linked Sites and Advertisers. If you have a dispute with one or more Linked Sites or Advertisers, to the extent permitted by law, Red Cross is exempt from liability for any claims, demands or damages arising out of or in any way connected with online disputes.

Cancellations and refunds:

  1. You have statutory rights as a consumer under the Australian Consumer Law and nothing in these terms is intended to exclude any of your rights. If you receive a faulty or defective activity pack, please contact us at via phone 1800 RED CROSS (733 276) or by email to contactus@redcross.org.au so we can guide you through the return, refund, or exchange process.

  2. If you have changed your mind and no longer want to subscribe to Hero Kids, you can cancel your subscription by via phone 1800 RED CROSS (733 276) or by email to contactus@redcross.org.au. If you unsubscribe, you will not receive additional activity packs other than packs you have already paid for. You are not entitled to a refund for activity packs you have already received if you are cancelling because you changed your mind.

  3. To the maximum extent permissible by law (including the Australian Consumer Law), Australian Red Cross’ liability to you arising out of or in connection with your subscription to Hero Kids is limited to providing you with a refund, replacement or repair as applicable.

Governing Law:

  1. These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of Victoria and both parties (Red Cross and You) hereby submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Victoria.

Amendment of Terms and Conditions

  1. We may amend these Terms and Conditions at any time during the campaign period. Upon amending Terms and Conditions we will re-post them on www.herokids.org.au. You will be bound by the amended Terms and Conditions from that time.